How to Create » WordPress Pro Theme

Do you want how to create a web site like in WordPress? or Do you want to enter in this online job portal field? then this article is for you. Here, we will discuss all those aspects which are very useful for a website like For example, which WordPress theme is implemented for a website like and how it fetches with high speed, apart from this, we will also overview at all other aspects and know-how to initialize this whole journey with smart work as well as hard work.

Apart from this, if you also want to build a similar website, then here we are also providing a premium package, through which you can build a website like at a nominal price and earn millions of rupees in a month, Whose information is given

Step by Step Instructions to make a website like in WordPress

So let’s start and know what things or services we are going to need in this. If you have never created a website and this is your first project then you don’t need to worry about it, and you will not have to required to take the help of any developer or anyone else. Here we will learn step to step that what things or services we have to need? and how can we use them? and why are they needed?

To create any website especially we need Domain Name, Sarkari Result WordPress Pro Theme, Server, Server Management or Optimization System, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Content Delivery Network (CDN), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as we have to make sure that the website runs at a good loading speed. Let’s now get to know about them in a little more detail.

1. What are Domain Name and its use

Domain Name: Basically this is the most important component for your business website, by which we identify that particular business website, you can understand that it will be a unique name, similarly your website will also have a different name like

We should not hurry to the choice of this and we should have to choose it very wisely, for this we have already written a complete article, you can read it by going here How To Choose A Good Domain Name For Your Website.

When you think about the name of your website, the next step will be how to register it. Different registrars are available online for this such as Godaddy, Google Domain you can register your domain name from them. Once you have purchased the domain name, after that you will need web hosting or say web space on which to create the server of your website.

2. Web Space / Server

Server or webspace is another huge and important component of our website, where all information and data of our website are stored. All the information which are posted or pages on our website, such as images or movies or clips are all stored here. This is what we commonly know as hosting. There are multiple options for buying online hosting.
There are two types of hosting the First one is shared hosting and the second is Dedicated hosting. To create a website like we need dedicated hosting for which there are many options available in the market, but here I want to share my experiences i.e the hosting provider is written something else and truth is something else.

So there are two reasons why I would prefer DigitalOcean

  • First, I have been using it for years and I have got very good results from it.
  • Secondly, there is a special thing in DigitalOcean that is where all other companies first charge from you, but on DigitalOcean first credit $50 to $100 in your account. This will be validated for the next 1 to 6 months, by which, our webspace expenditure costs zero.

3. How to create a server

After this, it is the turn to build a server on the webspace, which in itself is quite a tiring task, for this work, we will resort to an online service here from time to time. There will also be necessary updates on the server. Its name is Server Pilot. Here we just have to enter the website user name and password and just by looking at it, we finalize it a complete server.

Appreciable services of Server Pilot

  • First, when you create an account on Server Pilot, Server Pilot automatically gives $10 credit to your account. This reduces your server management expenses for the next two months.
  • Second, when a server is created in it, there is an option that you can put free Lets Encrypt SSL certificate for your site along with Auto-Renewal.

4. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

The right time to set up SSL on our website is when we are creating a server, meaning that at the beginning because if we apply SSL later, it can cause a lot of fluctuation in our SERP ranking. But when we create a server on Server Pilot, then at that time we get Lets Encrypt SSL along with a finite time period. This is the same component, due to which the Green LockPad appears in the browser URL tab and the browser makes our website look secure. With this, Server Pilot also puts WordPress in our server.

5. Sarkari Result WordPress Pro Theme

The template that has used, we will give you the same theme here. However, we should not forget that does not a proper WordPress theme. It is a custom theme but we have designed exactly the same theme that we are going to provide here. Although you will find similar themes on the internet like but they have many shortcomings, even after doing everything, sometimes the website is not able to work properly. We have also studied them all and removed all those shortcomings in our theme so that the website can run well.

6. Search Engine Optimization

After this, there is another important component which is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in the world of web. There is mainly two types of SEO

  • On-Page SEO:- We can do this with selected WordPress plugins. We have already written an article for this i.e Top 5 SEO Plugins With Sitemap Generator For WordPress Websites. But we have to face many problems in the early phase. For example, what will be the option of the plugin and how will it affect the Google ranking of our website.-
  • Off-Page SEO:- To understand this, we should only understand that everything that is happened outside of web site is called Off-Page SEO like making a page of the website on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. or backlinking web site to other sites. All this is done in Off-Page SEO only. To make a backlink, you must read our previous article How to Get High-Quality Backlinks For Website: Top 5 New Strategies.

7. Website Speed

For the fast fetch of the website, we have to take care of many things, for this, we have to use Content Delivery Network (CDN) on the site. We can understand that the exact data of the web site is present in different data centers all over the world. Whenever one of our users comes to our site, data is made available to him from the nearest data center, so that your website opens very quickly on the user’s device.

There are many options available on the internet for this, we have tried many of them and found BunnyCDN better than all.

Why choose BunnyCDN?

  • The first thing is that when anyone creates an account on it, they are given free trial for the first 14 days. This means that you do not have to pay any money in advance here.
  • BunnyCDN’s support is tremendous.
  • BunnyCDN is very easy to implement on a WordPress website.

Premium Package [Full Setup]

If you want, you can create your own site by taking advantage of this offer or you can take advantage of our Full Package Scheme, in which you will get a site like
You just have to provide your email id, Mobile Number and a domain name to create a site with this domain name. The total value of the package is Rs.10000/-

How to purchase the package?

  • All the above-mentioned services will be provided with the best performance so that there is no problem in ranking your site on Google.
  • All required plugins will be installed with the best settings.
  • You have to send a request email to our email ([email protected]), in this email you also have to provide the name (Domain). After this, you will get an email containing a link to pay money.
  • All your accounts will be created from this email id.
  • The site will be delivered within a week of depositing the money.

Our Contact Email ID – [email protected]

Hope this article helps you. My request to you please share this article with your friends. 🙂

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