Use Of Categories In WordPress To Boost your Website SEO

Worried about the bounce-rate of your WordPress business blog? Well, maybe you still have to know more about the proper usage of the WordPress ‘categories’ and ‘tags’. Read on to learn more!

The Need For Categories In WordPress And Tricks To Use Better Categories


WordPress categories and tags are features helping you to build the structure of your blog. They play a major role in the SEO of your website. This makes it all the more important to use them properly and craftily. A planned use of WordPress categories can fetch wonders for your blog. The following categories of WordPress are quite prevalent.

  • Themes
  • Plug-ins
  • Editorials
  • Hacks
  • SEO
  • News


As already stated, WordPress categories are imperative for the structural design of your blog. However, Google search results are based more on content(posts) than the structure. Moreover, category archive pages are considered a “low-quality page” as it doesn’t add any value in terms of search engine optimization. Category pages may not be acting so significant from the designing point of view, but when it comes to the indexing of site in a higher position in a search engine and increase its visibility, the category pages act as wonder. As search engine algorithms are changed frequently, developers need to strategize a framework that can make search engine crawlers to enter deep into the content and choose out the keywords in order to make it rank high. In such cases, the category page would ease the deepening of search and help in search engine optimization. Depending upon the uniqueness of contents that one has provided in the categories, one must select the crawlers of a search engine to track or not. This makes the page more optimized.


  • Ensure your permalinks are unaffected by changing your existing category names.
  • Use “%category% / %posts%”or “%date% / %posts%” which are Google friendly permalinks structure.
  • WordPress categories as “no-index” but “do-follow”. Then the search engine bots can view all links but not index the category pages.

Category archives are more important than individual pages and posts. These archive pages should be the first search engine results. Thus make sure, you give the visitors a wonderful experience. The majority of the visitors to your website are influenced by these categories and tags. Thus keep in mind these tips on categories and expect a positive bounce rate. WordPress is a wonderful platform and it gives the convenience to both users and developers to explore a variety of options and also to optimize for the search engine. Just go for categories and make relevant ones and see the magic.

Hope you like this article 🙂

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